Princess Mononoke

Poor Man’s Ferngully: Both movies have environmentalism at their core. However, I found Ferngully to be more fun and satisfying. ★★★☆☆ As you may remember, I did not look kindly upon The Wind Rises, but Josh is nothing if not persistent. Princess Mononoke is an animated film centered around Ashitaka, a prince from a small […]

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The Thief and the Cobbler

Poor Man’s Aladdin — no need for a clever comparison here. It just is. ★★☆☆☆ This week David assigned me an animated film. I’ve been dragging him to our local theatre’s showings of Studio Ghibli movies and I think he wanted to return the favor. This movie is about a poor orphan boy growing up […]

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Rich Man’s 2001: A Space Odyssey: I don’t love Kubrick and I find most of 2001 pretty slow. Moon’s by no means a perfect movie, but it’s got thrills and is definitely a more fun movie. ★★★★☆ This week I watched a 90 minute Twilight Zone-esque movie called Moon. The opening monologue tells you that […]

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Rich Man’s Carnage: both movies are strong limited storytelling and excellent adaptations of stage plays. Honestly, it’s hard to choose between these two as they are both exceptional but Rope gets the edge for being filled to the brim with wordplay. ★★★★★ I have always secretly dreaded Alfred Hitchcock movies. I was afraid that I […]

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