Terminator 2: Judgement Day

Rich Man’s The Matrix Reloaded: Both of these movies deal with the fate of humanity when overcome with technology and both of these movies have both good and bad parts. However, T2 is able to create  cohesive and overall enjoyable film, while Reloaded is just another sequel that didn’t live up to the original. ★★★★☆ […]

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The French Connection

Poor Man’s The Departed. It’s possible that The French Connection hasn’t aged well or that newer movies learned from is mistakes, but The Departed is just better at everything this movie tries to do. ★★☆☆☆ Sometimes, I wish I liked a movie more than I did. I spend time trying to get people to talk me into […]

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Poor man’s Sleepwalk With Me. Harmontown and Sleepwalk With Me felt like very similar movies. Both look at someone in the middle of traumatic period in their lives, but I didn’t find either that interesting, although I do want to learn more about the characters studied. ★★☆☆☆ I have mixed feelings about documentaries. In order […]

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Animal House

Rich Man’s Van Wilder — simplicity is a good formula for a college comedy hinging mainly on stereotypes. It helps that Animal House invented most of them. ★★★☆☆ Now, before I receive a ton of angry Facebook comments, I want to remind everyone that 3 stars is not a bad review. I gave John Wick […]

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